When a group of local Italians met for the first time in 2013, their dream was to see Arizona’s very own Little Italy. Using the Italian Festival as the main revenue driver, they continued to focus on making this happen. Realizing that this could only take place in stages or smaller steps, the idea of an Italian Cultural Center came to life.
With the festival gaining in popularity and growing each year, the timing was perfect to launch the concept to the public at the next Italian Festival on March 14 & 15, 2020. Of course, we all know how this changed dramatically. We decided to not hold back on our plans but to share these with you and make them public.
What you see here on this page are the renderings created by the firm of ART OF FORM in New York who donated the work and final pieces to the Italian Association. These images are the culmination of dreaming big and scaling back to something manageable that can become reality.
Imagine an Arts and Cultural Center that offers educational classes, Italian language classes, cooking classes, wine classes, movie nights, banquets, catered events, all alongside of an Italian restaurant, cafe, and shops. A piazza with a replica of the fountain at the bottom of the Spanish Steps in Rome. This is the dream. This is the vision. A place where Italian art by local and international artists can be displayed. Perhaps an Italian marketplace where you can get your weekly supply of pasta, bread, and sauces and let’s not forget pastries.
A place you can visit and enjoy Italian hospitality.
As we move forward with this project, we will keep you posted. As new images and plans are drawn up, we will share these with you so you can feel the excitement as this center comes together.
All of this is possible because of the donations and support of the local community. To that end, we welcome all donations in support of the Italian Arts and Cultural Center. The Italian Association is a registered 501 C3 organization as recognized by the IRS and all donations are tax-deductible.
We also want to thank the team at ART OF FORM for the time dedicated to this project. We are eternally grateful for the hard work and for doing their best in taking all our ideas and wish list on paper and turning it into reality.
Thank you for your donations and support